Thursday 12 December 2013

Pineal Gland Detox: Enhance Spiritual, Mental and Physical Well-Being

A tiny gland in the center of the brain named the pineal may have seemed insignificant in the past, but researchers have found it to be vital for physical, mental and, many believe, spiritual health. Through poor diet, exposure to toxins, stress and modern lifestyle choices, the pineal gland becomes hardened, calcified and shuts down. To awaken this gland from its slumber, detoxification is necessary using diet and herbs, sunlight and pure water.


Pinecone shaped, the size of a pea and resting in the center of the brain, the pineal gland is small but powerful. It secretes melatonin, which regulates sleep/wake cycles, and serotonin, a neurotransmitter that fosters happy and balanced states of mind. Not only crucial for a good night’s rest, melatonin also slows aging and is a potent antioxidant. It helps to protect against electromagnetic pollution as well. Moreover, individuals have reported heightened feelings of empathy while supplementing with melatonin — leading to more harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Scientists suspect that N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is also produced by the pineal gland. This is the substance that gives shamanic botanicals like Psychotria viridis its hallucinatory kick. Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT, The Spirit Molecule, believes that the pineal gland produces DMT during mystical experiences as well as at birth and death. DMT is also associated with lucid dreaming, peak experiences, creativity and the ability to visualize.


As a result of the aging process and exposure to toxins, the pineal gland begins to calcify. Sodium fluoride is the number one enemy of a healthy pineal gland. This toxin is lurking in the water supply, conventionally grown food and toothpaste. Dietary hormones, mercury, processed foods, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and refined sugars cause calcification as well. Radiation fields, like those found with cell phones and wi-fi networks, are damaging too. Avoiding these hazards is the preliminary step to healing this gland. The second course of action involves removing existing calcification.


ccording to the Decalcify Pineal Gland website, the following foods and supplements are helpful for detoxifying the pineal gland and restoring vitality:
Above: The natural root-bark of Iboga has been shown to do wonders
on the pineal gland and overall fluoride and mercury detoxification
1. Organic blue ice skate fish oil
2. MSM
3. Raw chocolate
4. Citric acid
5. Garlic
6. Raw apple cider vinegar
7. Oregano oil and Neem extract
8. Activator X (vitamin K1/K2)
9. Boron
10. Melatonin
11. Iodine
12. Tamarind
13. Distilled water

Holly Paige of Food for Consciousness, also offers a number of suggestions to help jump start the pineal gland. “Happy Tea” is one. A mixture of passion flower and St. John’s wort, the tea contains pinoline — a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). When MAOIs are freely circulating within the system, more naturally occurring DMT is available to the brain — encouraging creative and bright mental states.

Another pineal revitalizing brew is ayahuasca. Small ‘tastes’ of this preparation (one tablespoon per day) will help to elevate mood, creativity and inspiration. Ayahuasca can be made by boiling Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis (chakruna) with orange juice for a few hours. In large doses, it can substantially alter perception and trigger visions. In small amounts, it refreshes the mind. Please note: Extracting DMT from any plant, including Psychotria viridis, is illegal in the United States.

Sunlight is also considered ‘food’ for the pineal gland. At least 10 minutes of sunlight exposure is recommended each day. Meditation, chanting and pranayama breathing practices are beneficial to the pineal gland as well.

[Source: The Mind Unleashed]

Related Articles:

The pineal, electromagnetic fields, ELF and chemistry
How to Detox Your Pineal Gland – Fluoride, Mercury, & Consciousness

98 Million Americans Injected with Vaccines Containing Cancer-causing Virus: CDC Admits, then Retracts Statistics Reporting This

CDC Hiding Crucial Information

Above: Snapshot of this information as it appeared on July 11/13
The Centers for Disease Control published valuable information about polio vaccines on their site, but afterwards retracted the information. Why has that information been taken down?

The saved CDC information comes right out and admits that more than 98 million Americans during a span of eight years were injected with a cancer-causing polyomavirus called SV40. This fact alone should serve as a testament to anyone: always question medical professionals who say that you or your child needs a certain vaccine or prescription. So much “medicine” today is actually poison. Professionals are often duped into believing in the safety of a vaccine or prescription, when all along it may be laced with cancer-causing, health ravaging virus, heavy metals, fungus, formaldehyde, or neurotoxins.

What is SV40?
SV40 stands for Simian vacuolating virus 40 and was found in monkeys in 1960. This polyomavirus existed in contaminated batches of polio vaccinations in the 50s and early 60s. Fragments of this virus have shown up in human brain, bone, and lung cancers. This virus is known for causing cancerous tumors.

Uniquely, humans have built in tumor-suppressing genes. The SV40 virus effectively disables those genes, suppressing them through the SV40 T-antigens. This leads to mutated genes that spawn uncontrollable cellular proliferation, leading to cancer.

Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently found fragments of the SV40 virus in 40% of human bone cancers and in 60% of mesothelioma cancers. Experts in the field are beginning to conclude that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines were responsible for injecting cancer-causing viral strains into people, mutating their genes and welcoming epidemics of cancer. The contaminated vaccine has been estimated to have adversely affected 10 to 30 million people.

The Discovery of SV40

SV40 was first found by Dr. Bernice Eddy when she studied the minced kidney cells of rhesus monkeys. “The cells would die without any apparent cause,” she reported. Taking the cells from the monkey’s kidney cultures, Dr. Eddy injected them into hamsters. Merck & Co. soon discovered this virus, which was identified and isolated by Dr. Eddy. It was named Simian Virus 40 because it was the 40th virus found in monkey kidney cells. In 1960, the discovery was complete. Merck scientists Dr. Benjamin Sweet and Dr. Maurice Hillman published the findings. Dr. Eddy went on to publish more information about the SV40 virus. A single dose was injected into 13 newborn hamsters and 10 newborn mice. What followed was cellular neoplasms that developed between 156 and 380 days.
Still though, at the time, medical professionals defended the SV40 tainted polio vaccines, despite the published dangers of the SV40 virus contaminating the vaccines.

A more recent report, published in 2005 by the the National Network for Immunization Information, downplays the situation:
"Although SV40 has biological properties consistent with a cancer-causing virus, it has not been conclusively established whether it has caused cancer in humans,” said the report." Epidemiological studies of groups of people who received polio vaccine during 1955-1963 do not show an increased cancer risk.”
With the CDC coming out and admitting that millions of Americans were exposed to cancer causing SV40 viruses in the polio vaccines between 1955 and 1963, there will be increased scepticism about vaccinations in the years to come.

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